A–B | C–D | E–F | G–H | I–J | K–L | M–N | O–P | Q–R | S–T | U–V | W–X | Y–Z |
Walaeus, Antonius (1573–1639)
- Synopsis Purioris Theologiae (1625) on God’s Providence With Regard to Sin and Divine Permission
- Samuel Waldron on God’s Will and Desire for the Salvation of All Men
- Samuel Waldron on the Free Offer in Relation to God’s Desire that All Men Be Saved
- George Walker (Westminster Divine) on the Death of Christ
- George Walker (Westminster Divine) on Divine Permission of Sin
- James Walker on the revision of the Sufficient-Efficient formula
- Ralph Wardlaw on the Extent of the Atonement
- Ralph Wardlaw on Supralapsarianism
- Ralph Wardlaw on the Double Payment Fallacy
- Ralph Wardlaw on the Satisfaction of Christ in Relation to the Free Offer
- Ralph Wardlaw on Quantitative Equivalency Versus Qualitative Equivalency in the Death of Christ
- Ralph Wardlaw on John 3:16
- Ralph Wardlaw on John 17:9
- Ralph Wardlaw on the World of John 17:21 in Relation to the World of John 17:9
- Ralph Wardlaw on 2 Peter 3:9
- Bruce Ware on God’s Universal Saving Revealed Will for the Salvation of All Men
- Bruce Ware on God’s General and Special Love
- B. B. Warfield on the Removal of Legal Obstacles: An Exercise in Missing the Point
- Edmund Calamy (1600–1666), (Westminster Divine), on the Divine Intentionality of the Revealed Will
- Jonathan Warne on God’s Will for the Salvation of All Men
Waterman, Elijah (1769–1825)
- Elijah Waterman on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement
- Isaac Watts on Calvin on th Extent of the Atonement
- Thomas Watson on Divine Mercy
- Thomas Watson on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra Owen’s Double Payment Trilemma)
- Thomas Watson on the Sufficiency and Efficiency of Christ’s Death
- William R. Weeks on the Will and Desire of God for the Salvation of All Men in Relation to the Sincere Gospel Offer
- William R. Weeks on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Death Classically Defined and Defended
- William R. Weeks on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption
- William R. Weeks on the Distinction Between Natural Ability and Volition
- The Exclusivity of the Intercession of Christ and the Argument for Limited Atonement
- Ransom B. Welch on James Richards (1767–1843) on the Death of Christ
- Ransom B. Welch on the Distinction Between Atonement and Redemption
- William Whately on God’s Willingness to Pardon All
- William Whately Referencing Ezekiel 18:23
- John White on God’s Ordination and the Freedom of Man
- George Whitefield on God’s Love for All Declared in the Gospel
- Daniel Williams on Christ Suffering the Just Equivalent Not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment
- Edward Williams on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement
- Gryffith Williams on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra the Double-Payment dilemma)
- Gryffith Williams on John 17:9
- Andrew Willet on Romans 2:4
- Andrew Willet on 2 Peter 2:1 by way of Jude 4
- Andrew Willet on Calvin on the Extent of the Atonement
- Thomas Wilson on the General and Special Love of God
- Thomas Wilson on Faith as Assurance
- Thomas Wilson on Romans 2:4–5
- Herman Witsius on General Love
- Herman Witsius on the Revised Sufficient-Efficient Formula
- Herman Witsius on Christ Suffering the Just Equivalent Not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment
- Robert Wodrow on John Cameron (1579–1625) on the Conditional Decree to Salvation and the Unconditional Decree to Faith
- Johannes Wollebius on Common Special Grace in the Light of Depravity Due to Sin
- Johannes Wollebius on Reprobation
- Johannes Wollebius on the Providence of God
- Johannes Wollebius on Fall of Man and God’s Providence and Decree
- Johannes Wollebius on the Permissive Decree
- Johannes Wollebius on the Sufficiency of Christ’s Satisfaction
- Johannes Wollebius on God’s Conditional Revealed Will
- Benjamin Woodbridge on Christ Suffering the Tantundem, not the Idem of the Law’s Punishment
- Leonard Woods on the Extent of the Atonement
- Leonard Woods on 2 Peter 2:1
- Leonard Woods on the Distinction between Pecuniary and Penal Satisfaction
- Leonard Woods on Quantitative Equivalency Versus Qualitative Equivalency in the Death of Christ
- Leonard Woods on Double Payment
- John Wycliffe on the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
- John Wycliffe on John 1:29