Short Essays

Informal Essays, Notes, and Comments
  1. Richard Baxter on 2 Peter 2:1
  2. Richard Baxter on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith
  3. John Cameron (1579–1625) and Moses Amyraut (1596-1664) on the Order of the Decrees
  4. Joseph Bellamy (1719–1790): A Limited Provision for Sin Precludes an Unlimited Free Offer of the Gospel
  5. The Offer of the Gospel and Limited Imputation of Sin: An Argument for Unlimited Expiation
  6. Limited Atonement and the Falsification of the Sincere Offer of the Gospel
  7. Forensic Crispianism and TULIP Calvinism’s Doctrine of Imputation in Relation to the Double-Payment Dilemma
  8. Revisiting the Phrases: “All without distinction,” and “All without exception.”
  9. Plato Versus Aristotle in The Exegesis of John’s “World” and Paul’s “All Men”
  10. Universal Ineffectual Atonement vs Limited Effectual Atonement: An Argument for Limited Atonement
  11. John 11:51–52 and 1 John 2:2: And the Argument for Limited Atonement
  12. Christ Lays His Life Down for His Sheep (John 10:15): An Analysis of an Argument for Limited Atonement
  13. Revisiting John 17 and Jesus’s Prayer for the World
  14. The Atonement and Intercession of Christ: An Argument for Limited Atonement
  15. The Exclusivity of the Intercession of Christ and the Argument for Limited Atonement
  16. Some Invalid and Unsound Arguments for the Assertion that all Died-For are all Prayed-For
  17. Joseph Bellamy (1719–1790): Limited Atonement and the Argument from Romans 8:32
  18. Romans 8:32 and the Argument for Limited Atonement
  19. Romans 8:32 and the Argument for Limited Atonement (Revisited)
  20. 1 John 2:2 and the Argument for Limited Atonement
  21. A Brief Reply to Roger Nicole’s Article: “John Calvin’s View on the Extent of the Atonement”
  22. A. C. De Jong On What Constitutes a True Offer, by way of Herman Hoeksema
  23. My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Than Owen’s Reason and Death of Death
  24. No Atonement for the House of Eli (1 Sam 3:14) and the Argument for Limited Atonement