The Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith

Sources on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith
  1. Richard Baxter (1615–1691) on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith
  2. John Humfrey (1621–1719) on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith
  3. Andrew Fuller (1754–1815) on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith
  4. Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 1: Introduction)
  5. Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 2: Philippians 1:29)
  6. Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 3: Ephesians 1:3)
  7. Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 4: Hebrews 12:2)
  8. Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 5: Faith and Christ’s Death)
  9. Neil Chambers on the Death of Christ and the Purchase of Faith: An Analysis of John Owen’s Arguments (Part 6: Gift or Purchase: Conclusion)