Double Payment/Double Jeopardy Fallacy (aka Owen’s Trilemma)

Sources on the Double Payment/Double Jeopardy Fallacy (aka Owen’s Trilemma)
  1. Ambrose (337–397): The Double Payment Dilemma Legitimately Applied: Informal Reference
  2. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  3. Zachary Ursinus (1534–1583) on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra the Double-Payment dilemma)
  4. John Davenant (1572–1641) and the Double Payment Fallacy
  5. Gryffith Williams (c.1589–1672) on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra the Double-Payment dilemma)
  6. Edward Polhill (1622–1694) on the Double Jeopardy/Double Payment fallacy
  7. James Fraser of Brea (1639–1698) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  8. Nathanael Hardy (1618–1670) on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra the Double-Payment dilemma)
  9. Thomas Watson (1620–1686) on Conditional Satisfaction (Contra Owen’s Double Payment Trilemma)
  10. Joseph Bellamy (1719–1790) on the Double Jeopardy Fallacy
  11. Timothy Dwight (1752–1817) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  12. Edward D. Griffin (1770–1837) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  13. Ralph Wardlaw (1779–1853) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  14. Leonard Woods (1774–1854) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  15. Charles Hodge (1797–1878) on the Double Payment/Double Jeopardy Fallacy
  16. W. G. T. Shedd (1820–1894) on Double Jeopardy and Double Payment
  17. The Double Payment Dilemma Legitimately Applied, by way of Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) and W. G. T. Shedd (1820–1894)
  18. Robert Dabney (1820–1898) on the Double Payment Fallacy
  19. Alan C. Clifford on the Double Payment Fallacy (An Evaluation of John’s Owen’s Trilemma Argument)
  20. Neil Chambers on John Owen’s (1616–1683) Unbelief as a Sin Atoned For
  21. Carl Trueman on John Owen’s Double-Payment Dilemma