Academic Papers and Essays

Academic Papers and Essays

Nota Bene: (1) The some aspects of these papers no longer reflect my more mature understanding in certain areas. (2) These papers are not necessarily formatted according to the latest citation standards. (3) Some of these papers are written in a conversational style which can be terribly annoying to some readers. (4) These papers should be seen as seminal research attempts and so do not pretend to be exhaustive or definitive, or that the subject is now closed or in need of no further revision. (5) I am grateful to those seminary professors who allowed me to explore my interests in these areas. I am even grateful to those professors who became upset with the direction of some of my ideas.

Divine Permission of Sin
Classic-Moderate Calvinism
Framework Hypothesis
Moderate Fideism and Apologetics Psalms in Biblical Worship
Honors Thesis (University of Queensland, Australia)
Published Articles